


What is it?


This malformation of the heart causes a reversal in the normal blood flow pattern because the right and left lower chambers of the heart are reversed. 然而,i的移位没有a那么危险 d-transposition 因为大动脉也是反向的. This "double reversal" allows the body to still receive oxygen-rich blood and the lungs to still receive the oxygen-poor blood.





在这种情况下, the blood is normally routed but the right ventricle must pump at higher pressure than is normal. 右心室功能可能随着沙巴足球体育平台的推移而下降.


患有l-移位的婴儿通常不是蓝色的. 这种先天性心脏缺陷可能在很长一段沙巴足球体育平台内都不会被发现. It might not be diagnosed until well into adulthood when congestive heart failure, 心脏杂音和不正常的心律会发展. 当有 室间隔缺损 and pulmonary valve obstruction, 婴儿可能脸色发青,经常听到杂音.


Most children without a VSD or pulmonary valve obstruction won't need surgery. Children with these problems may require surgery to close the hole, 缓解肺血流量的阻塞, 在某些情况下修复或更换泄漏的三尖瓣. 对于VSDs患者, it may be recommended to undergo a more complex surgical procedure known as a "double switch" which reroutes the oxygen rich blood to the left ventricle and aorta and oxygen poor blood to the right ventricle and pulmonary artery.


病人可能有心肌问题, tricuspid valve leakage or heart rhythm as they enter adulthood, 不管他们之前是否做过手术. 如心房修复d-TGA患者, 右心室可能减弱, 导致充血性心力衰竭. 异常缓慢的心律可能会导致昏厥或疲劳. 最令人担忧的是心律缓慢, 完全性心脏传导阻滞,在l-转置中很常见. 与d-TGA患者相比,快速心律不常见.



帮助心脏更好跳动的药物, control fluid accumulation (diuretics) and control blood pressure may help with congestive heart failure symptoms. A pacemaker may be required in the event of abnormally slow heart rhythms. You should also consult a cardiologist with expertise in caring for adults with congenital heart disease if you are undergoing any type of non-heart surgery or invasive procedure.


Routine evaluation may include an EKG, echocardiogram, Holter monitor and stress testing. Your cardiologist may recommend other testing such as an MRI or heart catheterization.


许多病人不需要限制他们的活动, except to avoid activities like weight lifting that cause a rise in blood pressure. However, if your child's heart doesn't pump normally or if you have heart rhythm issues, 你可能需要根据你的耐力来限制你的活动. Your cardiologist will help determine if your child needs to limit your activity.


People who have l-transposition of the great arteries may require endocarditis prophylaxis if they have a prosthetic valve. 在大多数病人中, there is no prosthetic valve and the cardiologist will be able to determine if the patient needs to keep taking routine antibiotics before certain dental work.






在这种情况下, the blood is normally routed but the right ventricle must pump at higher pressure than is normal. 右心室功能可能随着沙巴足球体育平台的推移而下降.


患有l-移位的婴儿通常不是蓝色的. 这种先天性心脏缺陷可能在很长一段沙巴足球体育平台内都不会被发现. It might not be diagnosed until well into adulthood when congestive heart failure, 心脏杂音和不正常的心律会发展.

当有 室间隔缺损 and pulmonary valve obstruction, 婴儿可能脸色发青,经常听到杂音. Unless these problems are fixed in childhood, an adult patient may still occasionally be blue.


Most children without a VSD or pulmonary valve obstruction won't need surgery. Even if the repair was performed, most are still left with a right ventricle that pumps to the aorta.


成年后可能需要第一次手术或重复手术. For example, the tricuspid valve may become leaky and need to be replaced. There are rare patients who may benefit from a complex procedure called a "double switch."


病人可能有心肌问题, tricuspid valve leakage or heart rhythm as they enter the third and fourth decades of life, 不管他们之前是否做过手术. 如心房修复d-TGA患者, 右心室可能减弱, 导致充血性心力衰竭. 异常缓慢的心律可能会导致昏厥或疲劳. 最令人担忧的是心律缓慢, 完全性心脏传导阻滞,在l-转置中很常见. 与d-TGA患者相比,快速心律不常见.



A cardiologist with expertise in managing adults with congenital heart disease should evaluate you regularly, 每年至少一次,如果有症状可以更频繁. 帮助心脏更好跳动的药物, control fluid accumulation (diuretics) and control blood pressure may help with congestive heart failure symptoms. A pacemaker may be required in the event of abnormally slow heart rhythms. You should also consult a cardiologist with expertise in caring for adults with congenital heart disease if you are undergoing any type of non-heart surgery or invasive procedure.


Routine evaluation may include an EKG, echocardiogram, Holter monitor and stress testing. Your cardiologist may recommend other testing such as an MRI or heart catheterization. If you have a pacemaker, you'll need more frequent visits to monitor the pacemaker function.


许多病人不需要限制他们的活动, except to avoid activities like weight lifting that cause a rise in blood pressure. However, if your heart doesn't pump normally or if you have heart rhythm issues, 你可能需要根据你的耐力来限制你的活动. Your cardiologist will help determine if you need to limit your activity.


People who have l-transposition of the great arteries may require endocarditis prophylaxis if they have a prosthetic valve. 在大多数病人中, there is no prosthetic valve and the cardiologist will be able to determine if the patient needs to keep taking routine antibiotics before certain dental work.


Most women with l-transposition can carry a pregnancy with only mildly increased risk. The risk from pregnancy to the mother increases if heart failure or abnormal heart rhythms (arrhythmias) is present. It's important to consult with a cardiologist experienced in caring for patients with congenital heart defects before pregnancy to find out the health risks. 请参阅 Pregnancy 了解更多信息.


Most patients with l-transposition have not had prior surgery and will never require surgery. Some patients need surgery to repair abnormal valves or control heart rhythm disturbances. Patients who still have a 室间隔缺损 and pulmonary stenosis may benefit from surgery, which should be performed by a heart surgeon with a great deal of experience in congenital heart defects.